Official Journal of International College of Surgeons Pakistan Chapter and SAARC Association of Surgeons Pakistan Chapter
Approved by Pakistan
Medical & Dental Council
Higher Education Commission Assigned "Y" Category Covered by Google Scholar ISSN 1817 - 0242 NO.DCO/DDO/LAW/CDGK-259 PMDC REGISTRATION NO. IP/023 |
Mission Statement A large proportion of world population live in under developed and developing countries. The genetic make up and disease pattern of this population is quite different from the developed world. Knowing such differences and approaches for achieving goal of “health for everyone” thus becomes a priority. This journal from the platform of International College of Surgeons (Pakistan Chapter) and SAARC Society of Surgeons (Pakistan Chapter) provides unique opportunity to contributors from this part of world as well as from developed world to share their experiences to a common goal of dissemination of knowledge so that proper health care guidelines and policies may be devised.
The proposed objectives of this journal may be broadly stated as follows.
It is intended to
· Report for general readers interested in surgical and allied disciplines including Radiology and Pathology, the grand results of scientific work. Thus to up date readers what is new in this field. · help scientific community by providing early information of all the advances made in any discipline of surgery throughout the world, with more emphasis on developing countries. · provide an opportunity of discussing the various scientific questions related to articles published.
For achieving above mentioned objectives the journal shall publish information that contributes to an understanding of unique aspects of surgical ailments including physiologic, pathologic, biochemical, and psychosocial responses. Consideration shall be given for publication of work by various methodologies consistent with the scientific approach.